A small but ancient nation, consisting of a chain of twenty-six coral atolls stretched across the equator along a length of 871 kilometers with 1,192 islands dotted along the Indian Ocean.
Only 188 of these islands are inhabited and 166 islands are tourist resorts. While some islands are used for agricultural and industrial purposes, hundreds of islands still remain in their pristine and natural states.
Vision: To grow and enhance CRF membership and value
The Corporate Registers Forum is an association of international corporate registries.
The membership is open to government agencies and their officials responsible for the administration of body corporate registers (a register of companies for example).
The associations’ aim is to provide members with the opportunity to review the latest developments in corporate business registers internationally and exchange experiences and information on the present and future operation of corporate business registration systems. The focus of the initial meetings was in the Asia-Pacific region.
The forum first met in Auckland in 2003 and was hosted by the New Zealand Companies Office. The 2003 meeting was an opportunity for corporate registries from thirteen jurisdictions to meet. The initial name given to this group was the Asia-Pacific Corporate Registries Forum.
A second meeting was hosted by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and held in Melbourne, Australia in March 2005. The members present at that meeting voted to adopt the name Corporate Registers Forum.
When you join the Corporate Registers Forum you gain access to an international network of registry professionals. Our Annual Conference is combined with the Annual General Meeting and provides delegates with the opportunity to review the latest developments in corporate business registers internationally and exchange experiences and information on the present and future operation of corporate business registration systems. Through the members section of the Corporate Registers Forum website you can join online discussions, learn more about other Forum members and have access to online interaction with other corporate registry managers.
If you are interested to become a member, please go to the About CRF section of our CRF website at